Monroe Fire District Board Meeting Information

Board meetings are conducted at a minimum of once every month.  

All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Oregon Public Meetings Law, ORS 192.610-192.710 and 192.990.

Monroe Fire District Board Meeting

Second Thursday of each month starting at 7:00pm 

Agendas are posted publicly at:

Monroe post office

Monroe Fire Station #1 

Umpqua Bank at 565 N. 5th street  


The link below will be used for remote attendance to regular board meetings hosted by MRFPD. 

Remote attendance is available only upon request. Please contact the office to remotely attend.

Video call link:

Meeting Code: aqn-oqmy-beu

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪338 664 389 7511‬#

More phone numbers: